[heading subtitle=”Dal 1902″ title=”Ogni fiamma accessa, un mondo da raccontare”]
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L’innata eleganza delle nostre candele si poggia su basi solide e agili.
Praticità, flessibilità, personalità e passione tracciano il nostro cammino dal 1902.

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Our true philosophy: Quality!
All our items are produced in compliance with the REACH regulation,
which certifies all the raw materials used in order to guarantee the maximum wholesomeness of the finished product, ensuring the total absence
of harmful substances when burned.





Filosofia | Cereria Bianchi



[heading subtitle=”Dal 1902″ title=”Ogni fiamma accessa, un mondo da raccontare”]
[hr color=”dark” type=”flower”]

[row cols_nr=”2″][col size=”6″ class=”cb-text-block cb-text-block–ita”]

L’innata eleganza delle nostre candele si poggia su basi solide e agili.
Praticità, flessibilità, personalità e passione tracciano il nostro cammino dal 1902.

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Our true philosophy: Quality!
All our items are produced in compliance with the REACH regulation,
which certifies all the raw materials used in order to guarantee the maximum wholesomeness of the finished product, ensuring the total absence
of harmful substances when burned.
