La nostra azienda, da ormai quattro generazioni, è rappresentata dal legame imprescindibile tra il nome Bianchi e la sua materia prima, da sempre forgiata con cura e amore.
Produrre candele di qualità e su misura è il nostro viaggio ininterrotto dal 1902, anno in cui è nata a Varese la nostra azienda.
Tutto è iniziato con la produzione di candele prevalentemente ad uso liturgico, che già lasciavano intravedere una forte volontà nell’offrire prodotti personalizzati e di alta qualità.
Appassionati e lungimiranti, abbiamo scoperto, già dagli anni ’60 del secolo scorso, la candela come elemento di design.

SINCE 1902
CERERIA BIANCHI has worked in the candle sector for over a hundred years; today it is a leading Italian company in the production of wax candles for liturgical and non-liturgical use, able to offer all of its experience to meet the different needs of customers with reliable, quality products.
Cereria Bianchi was established in a small workshop in the heart of Varese, where the production of candles was entirely manual and carried out through “IMMERSION” (frames were prepared with wicks of the requested length and the ends were tied to a heavy pole. The frames were repeatedly immersed in tanks of hot wax kept warm by a wood fire, and their diameter increased with each immersion; once the desired diameter was reached, they were passed through a heated die plate to make the candles perfectly cylindrical and smooth). Cereria Bianchi’s high-quality creations brought it to be awarded the title of “VATICAN CHANDLER” in 1908 as a pontifical supplier, an important recognition that gives its name a very specific level of absolute trust. Wanting to expand to meet the continuous requests of customers, in 1970 the company moved to Daverio to a larger area which was more suited to the new machinery. Today the company is led by its fourth generation and works to offer products of ever-higher quality, keeping its artisan charm alive with its manual skills and experience maintaining lively, friendly and direct relationships with its customers. The raw material paraffin and the wicks used to produce our candles are of the highest quality, making our products unique and compliant with all the applicable REACH laws as well as combating pollution.


L’Azienda | Cereria Bianchi


Dal 1902 una passione di famiglia, che si è tramandata di generazione in generazione

La nostra azienda, da ormai quattro generazioni, è rappresentata dal legame imprescindibile tra il nome Bianchi e la sua materia prima, da sempre forgiata con cura e amore.
Produrre candele di qualità e su misura è il nostro viaggio ininterrotto dal 1902, anno in cui è nata a Varese la nostra azienda.
Tutto è iniziato con la produzione di candele prevalentemente ad uso liturgico, che già lasciavano intravedere una forte volontà nell’offrire prodotti personalizzati e di alta qualità.
Appassionati e lungimiranti, abbiamo scoperto, già dagli anni ’60 del secolo scorso, la candela come elemento di design.

SINCE 1902
CERERIA BIANCHI has worked in the candle sector for over a hundred years; today it is a leading Italian company in the production of wax candles for liturgical and non-liturgical use, able to offer all of its experience to meet the different needs of customers with reliable, quality products.
Cereria Bianchi was established in a small workshop in the heart of Varese, where the production of candles was entirely manual and carried out through “IMMERSION” (frames were prepared with wicks of the requested length and the ends were tied to a heavy pole. The frames were repeatedly immersed in tanks of hot wax kept warm by a wood fire, and their diameter increased with each immersion; once the desired diameter was reached, they were passed through a heated die plate to make the candles perfectly cylindrical and smooth). Cereria Bianchi’s high-quality creations brought it to be awarded the title of “VATICAN CHANDLER” in 1908 as a pontifical supplier, an important recognition that gives its name a very specific level of absolute trust. Wanting to expand to meet the continuous requests of customers, in 1970 the company moved to Daverio to a larger area which was more suited to the new machinery. Today the company is led by its fourth generation and works to offer products of ever-higher quality, keeping its artisan charm alive with its manual skills and experience maintaining lively, friendly and direct relationships with its customers. The raw material paraffin and the wicks used to produce our candles are of the highest quality, making our products unique and compliant with all the applicable REACH laws as well as combating pollution.


La storia della candela

La storia della candela

candle's history

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Prima che si scoprisse il modo di utilizzare l’energia elettrica nel secolo scorso le case venivano illuminate con lampade ad olio e a gas o con le candele. Gli antichi romani utilizzavano candele che venivano fabbricate seguendo questo procedimento. Si immergeva una corda di canapa in un contenitore pieno di pece calda e liquida; estraendo lo spago, la pece che vi rimaneva appiccicata a poco a poco si solidificava. Successivamente la candela veniva immersa nella cera calda e allo stato liquido. Una volta estratta, anche la cera, a contatto con l’aria, diventava solida e la candela poteva essere utilizzata. Queste candele, le stesse che venivano accese dai primi cristiani quando di notte si recavano di nascosto nelle catacombe per pregare, emanavano odore di sego, una sostanza con cui era composta a quel tempo la cera.Occorrerà giungere al 1820 per ottenere candele inodori, quando due francesi fabbricarono le prime candele di stearina, una cera priva di grassi. Qualche anno più tardi, nel 1834, un altro francese inventò uno stoppino ritorto, che rese le candele più luminose, Qualche anno più tardi più precisamente nel 1846 un’inglese invento una macchina capace di produrre candele, questa fu una grande svolta. Da allora la tecnica della produzione delle candele non é molto cambiata. La fantasia dei produttori si è però sbizzarrita ed ha creato ceri e candele dalle forme eleganti, buffe, classiche o bizzarre, aggiungendo al fascino misterioso della luce della candela un tocco di colore e di profumo decisamente gradevoli.

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Before the invention of electricity in the last century, houses were illuminated by oil and gas lamps or candles. The ancient Romans used candles made with the following procedure: a hemp cord was immersed in a container full of hot, liquid pitch; once the cord was extracted, the pitch that remained would solidify little by little. The candle would then be immersed in hot, liquid wax. Once extracted, the wax in contact with the air would solidify and the candle could be used. These candles, the same that were lit by the first Christians when they secretly went to the catacombs to pray at night, smelled of tallow, a substance used to make wax at the time. Odourless candles were only created in 1820 when two Frenchmen made the first candles with stearin, a wax free of fats. A few years later in 1834, another Frenchman invented the twisted wick which made candles brighter; a few years later in 1846 an Englishman invented a machine capable of producing candles: a great turning point. The technique of candle-making has not changed much since then. But chandlers have let their imaginations run, creating candles in elegant, funny, classic or bizarre shapes, adding a touch of colour and decidedly pleasant scents to the mysterious charm of candle light.
